Curious George, the main character in the children’s books and animated episodes shown on PBS, almost didn’t exist. The Wartime Escape: Margret & H.A. Rey's Journey from France tells a story of how Curious George’s creators, both German-born Jews, fled from Paris by bicycle in 1940, carrying the manuscript of what would become “Curious George” as Nazis prepared to invade.
The assignment was to develop a set of marketing materials to support the The Wartime Escape: Margret & H.A. Rey's Journey from France Exhibit for the Dallas Holocaust Museum. The challenge was to create something that tells the story but still friendly to young audiences. The illustration style was inspired by Allan Drummond’s original drawings in the book. Handmade textures and typography brings an emotional and personal feel to design.
The Team
Client: Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum Creative Director: Stefan Reddick Designer: Becky Ben Lin Completed under 70kft